HOW LONG DOES NAIL RECONSTRUCTION LAST? Nail reconstruction is not a permanent solution and the length of time it lasts varies between individuals. On average we estimate the new nail will last between six and eight weeks. After this period, most people simple attend for a repeat treatment.
IS NAIL RECONSTRUCTION SAFE IF I HAVE MEDICAL PROBLEMS? Nail reconstruction is a non-invasive cosmetic-medical treatment which requires no anaesthetic. It is generally safe to apply in all circumstances and medical problems such as diabetes, mild circulation problems are not a contra-indication
HOW IS THIS TREATMENT DIFFERENT FROM GELS APPLIED IN SALONS? This is a reconstructive technique and the reconstructed nail is described as a prosthetic. It is not an acrylic nail and is designed to be the same as a natural nail. The gel used for nail reconstruction is a flexible product whereas nail salons use hard finished products on fingernails. The gel used for toenails needs to be flexible to allow the toenail to move with the natural movements of the toe. This allows the reconstructed nail to last longer and not lift. The gel used in reconstruction also has antifungal properties. This means that for those nails which are affected by fungal infection treatment is ongoing whilst the nail is worn. The nail that is reconstructed does not damage the natural nail and not will it restrict growth of the natural nail.